Contact Us

You can contact us by phone (07584 570348) or email (

If you’d like to book an appointment at our Bristol locations, the easiest way to do so is via the booking software below.

For appointments at Newent Osteopaths, please call 01531 822392


Initial Consultation: £60. Includes case history, assessment and treatment. 

Follow up sessions: £50. Consists of approximately 30 minutes of treatment.

What To Expect

Treatment will be tailored to individual needs. A full case history is taken during the initial consultation which covers your current symptoms, your previous medical history and any injuries sustained which may have contributed to any pain currently being experienced. Your current lifestyle, activities and responsibilities are also considered which impact your physical and emotional wellbeing. This helps to build a timeline and picture of you as a person and helps form a short and longer term management plan.

Osteopathic manipulation can be as simple as a quick and precise movement to the joint to release it and improve alignment. Alternatively it can be a subtle and gentle repositioning of the joint to allow the tissues to release and relax. Both can be very effective and give almost instant relief. Articulation is different in that it involves a repeated, rhythmic movement of the joints to steadily increase mobility within a comfortable range. Soft tissue gently lengthens or eases muscle, tendon and connective tissue to enable proprioceptive nerve restoration.

Where To Find Us

(Private Entrance at 17 Triangle South, BS8 1QQ)